A Collection of Kind Words from Parents & Professionals
“I am a teacher at Godolphin and I attended your talk on Monday. I found it truly beneficial both in terms of dealing with teenage girls at school and the rather stroppy one I have at home; I appreciated the examples that you gave and the way that you related it to your own family.”
“I very much enjoyed your talk last week. Thank you for making it so entertaining AND informative.”
“I just wanted to say how brilliant and interesting your talk was last Thursday. I would love to come to another talk by you”
“You were stellar!!! The audience clearly loved it as they are ready to sign up for more! I was just thinking how the quality of your talk may have single-handedly give the PTFA new life and credibility! Amazing!”
“I attended some of your lectures at Knightsbridge School (my son is in Year 2) and have been impressed with your sensible and practical approach to various parenting issues.”
“I enjoyed your 3 part series so much that I would like my husband to participate as well.”
“Thank you. Your work has a real impact on the wellbeing of children... We are both very grateful.”
“Your research, understanding and ability to present the subject with such humour and thought from the heart made it very memorable.”
“It gave me much to think about and I will certainly try to put your lessons into practice (and will look forward to getting on even better with my teenage daughters). I was very impressed that you talked without notes, though it means I can’t ask you for a transcript! If you can ever be persuaded to talk again at G&L, I will look forward greatly to attending.”
“Thanks very much for a terrific talk last night - it was so informative and interesting, as well as being entertaining too! It has given me a lot to think about, and the impetus to do something about my shortcomings as a parent! A lot of people said to me at the end that they had really enjoyed it too”
“I have been meaning to thank you so much for your insightful and thoroughly brilliant courses last term. I so enjoyed coming and learned so much from them. I really try to use the techniques every day!”
“Thank you again for our long discussion last week. I cannot tell you how much more positive and relieved I felt when I left you. You are right that we did cover a lot of ground but it was so helpful to talk all the issues through. I left your office feeling like I had both a better understanding of my son and a game plan on how to help him with his future outbursts.”
“Just wanted to drop you a line to say a HUGE THANK YOU for helping my friend today. She called me and just said how fantastic you had been. I am just confirming our new appointment. We would not want to miss it as we are already seeing signs our son’s behavior is improving.”
“Thank you so much for giving an outstanding presentation to G&L parents last night. I thought that your presentation was full of insight and very importantly, practical advice.”
“I thought that your talk on Monday at G&L was fabulous. I would love to get a copy of the presentation so that I can share it with my wife. It was truly inspirational - thank you!””
“I really enjoyed your talk today at Knightsbridge School. You are a fab presenter and very amusing and time flies by very quickly”
“Susan and I enjoyed last night’s presentation immensely. Not only were your themes and observations spot on but you delivered them with experience, heart and soul. We couldn’t imagine a better intellectual and spiritual coach than you to help us approach our daughter’s challenges with refreshed enthusiasm if not enlightenment. Thank you for your brilliant tour d’horizon.”
“Just a quick note to say THANK YOU so much for a brilliant course. You have transferred all your experience and expertise around parenting the younger child into parenting the teen. It was, and will continue to be, so helpful. My heartfelt thanks!”
“It was great to speak to you last Friday and many thanks for your time. I found your input and perspective very helpful and look forward to trying to implement!”