
  • "Teenagers - Screen Time and Sleep" : BBC Health

  • "A Natural Fix for ADHD: The New York Times

  • Can You Learn Self-Control:
  • Don’t Help Your Kids With Their Homework:
  • Steve Jobs Was a Low-Tech Parent:
  • The Kids Who Beat Autism:
  • Give Your Kids Undivided Attention or No Attention at All:
  • It is not my job to make my kids happy:
  • The Passion of Parenting:


Books relevant to all parenting issues:

Between Parent and Child by Dr. Haim G. Ginott My all time favourite parenting book. Although written in 1965, is still a relevant and helpful book, that is easy to read and absorb. Is very helpful to understand the way a child sees things.

No-Drama Discipline by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. This book teaches you how to establish firm boundaries and be respectful and nurturing. I love anything with Dan Siegel’s name on it!

Kids, Parents, and Power Struggles by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka This book focuses on strategies to get you through the day to day struggles that parenting presents.

How To Talk So Kids Will Listen by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish A quick and easy read about how to communicate more effectively with children. Uses cartoons to illustrate examples.

Building Resilience by Kenneth R. Ginsburg, MD A terrific book that contains a wealth of great strategies and techniques for helping our children ride through the stresses of their lives.

Parent Effectiveness Training by Dr. Gordon Thomas This is a particularly helpful book for learning effective communication skills (both listening and speaking) as well as good problem solving skills.

The Price of Privilege by Madeline Levine This book looks at how parental pressure and material advantage are creating disconnected and unhappy kids. Examines the cause of rising anxiety,depression and other mental health issues in adolescents.

Books based upon the emerging brain science that informs effective parenting

Why Love Matters by Sue Gerhardt This book explores why what a parent does in the first year of like is so critical to the child’s developing nervous system and his future mental health.

The Whole Brain Child by Dan Siegel and Tina Bryson This book explains how a child’s brain is wired and how it matures and uses this information to explain why certain parenting techniques are more likely to be effective.

The Science of Parenting by Margot Sunderland This book is a great resource for parents of small children. It explains the causes much “misbehaviour” and offers effective strategies to foster optimal brain growth.

Parent Focused Books:

When Your Kids Push Your Buttons by Bonnie Harris This book is a must read for parents who cannot understand their strong reactions to their children’s behaviour. Uses exercises to bring awareness to our motivations.

Parenting From the Inside Out by Daniel J. Siegel and Mary Hartzell This book explores how our chillhood experiences influence how we parent our own children.

Brain-Based Parenting by Daniel A. Hughes and Jonathan Baylin This book looks at the ways in which parents behave that get in the way of effective parenting.

Books about Parenting Adolescents

Brainstorm by Daniel J. Siegel A wonderful book that explains what is happening in the teenage brain and some effective ideas about how to communicate with teens.

The Teenage Brain by Dr. Frances E. Jensen Written by a neuroscientist who also parented teenagers, this book explains the challenges that teen brain development pose to learning multi-taking, stress, memory, sleep, addiction and decision making.

Why Are They So Weird? by Barbara Strauch This book is humorous but also packed with information about the biology that explains teen behaviour.

How To Talk So Teen Will Listen by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish Offers practical advice about how to communicate with your teens to maximise their cooperation. Uses cartoons to illustrate effective parenting techniques.

Letting Go with Love and Confidence by Kenneth Ginsburg M.D. and Susan Fitzgerald This book tackles all sorts of decisions parents must make when parenting their teens and offers effective ways to approach the many new situations you will face.

How To Keep Your Teenager Out of Trouble by Dr. Neil I. Bernstein This is a very thorough and practical guide to parenting teens. It is especially good for parents of teens who push a lot of boundaries.

Books about Children who offer more of a challenge

Raising Your Spirited Child by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka This is the bible for understanding why your child behaves as he does and techniques that work with tricky children.

The Explosive Child by Ross W. Greene This book offers effective strategies for raising children that are easily frustrated and inflexible.

The Difficult Child by Stanley Turecki, M.D. Books about Learning Differences ADHD the facts by Mark Selikowitz This is a very good book that looks at characteristics and causes of ADHD as well as offering behaviour management techniques and a guide to the various medication used to treat those with ADHD.

Driven To Distraction (ADD) by Edward M. Hallowell, M.D. and John J. Ratey, M.D. A comprehensive book that discusses the biology, diagnosis and treatment of ADD.

The Myth Of Laziness by Dr. Mel Levine This book explores the neurodevelopment dysfunctions that cause children to appear lazy and unproductive. It offers advice about how to spot learning differences and what to do about them.

Different Learners by Jane M. Healy This book is a wealth of information about the different ways that children learn. It offers practical information about identifying preventing and treating a child’s learning problems.

Books about children prone to anxiety and depression

The Optimistic Child by Martin E. P. Seligman This book offers a well-validated program to prevent depression in children by the father of positive psychology.

Anxious Kids Anxious Parents by Reid Wilson and Lynn Lyons A practical guide to help your child stop worrying so much.

Helping Your Anxious Child by Ronald M. Rapee et al. A step-by-step guide to help parents manage their child’s anxiety.